Pablo del Pozo

Pablo del Pozo is a material artist. His most recent experiments have led him to move away from building materials, pigment powders, metals and ceramics that shaped his earlier work, towards a textile practice that combines traditional know-how with industrial processes. While crochet and tapestry techniques give shape to strange hanging creatures that resemble ritual objects, the use of hand-tufting irrevocably evokes the playmats of our childhood. The haptic dimension of the materials evokes the soft sensation of touch on the surface of our skin, while the blood-colored motifs project our attention deep into our flesh. Together, they call out to the eye, to the body, to the desire to plunge into the very heart of the materials at play. A skilful interplay of scale between the micro- and the macroscopic telescopes the interior and exterior of bodies, blurring the intelligible differences between human and non-human: are we contemplating the veins of plant leaves, the patterns of butterfly wings or echographic images of human guts? Pablo del Pozo creates beings that are both uncertain and powerful, balancing between abstraction and figuration, between the second and third dimensions, between scientific and popular means of producing and transmitting knowledge. His works reveal both the process of creation and the inevitable destructuring yet to come but already underway. It's an ode to the life that springs forth, only to fade away in favour of ecosystemic interactions that transcend the scale of our bodies and our understanding of time.


04.09.24 – 31.10.24

Barcelona cross residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand
in partnership with Homesession