Elolo Bosoka

Born in 1991, lives and works in Kumasi, Ghana.

Elolo Bosoka looks at the world through the eyes of a painter. Without necessarily manipulating a brush, he composes paintings by assembling what he has at his disposal - mainly objects and materials collected in the streets. Plastic bags, used textiles, fishing nets and cans of all kinds come together in painterly objects that are at one with reality, whose draperies are a presence rather than a representation. Elolo Bosoka constantly confronts a highly mastered pictorial aesthetic with the supposed austerity of the objects he uses. A finer analysis reveals their more elaborate nature: the rusty metal boxes in Collecting the city of Dakar (2020) are in fact cobbled-together measuring tools, adapted to the specific needs of the person who created them. His works thus unfold a narrative of uses and their possible displacements, pointing to the systems of valorization that diverge according to cultures and communities, and which Elolo Bosoka likes to literally weave together.


01.04.24 – 24.07.24

100-Day Residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand

open studio

04.07.24, 18:00

100-Day Residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand

Final event, Thursday 4 July, 6pm
at la Diode, 190 bd Gustave Flaubert, Clermont-Ferrand

Elolo Bosoka looks at the world through the eyes of a painter. Without necessarily manipulating a brush, he composes paintings by assembling what he has at his disposal - mainly objects and materials collected in the streets. Plastic bags, used textiles, fishing nets and cans of all kinds come together in painterly objects that are at one with reality, whose draperies are a presence rather than a representation. Elolo Bosoka constantly confronts a highly mastered pictorial aesthetic with the supposed austerity of the objects he uses. A finer analysis reveals their more elaborate nature: the rusty metal boxes in Collecting the city of Dakar (2020) are in fact cobbled-together measuring tools, adapted to the specific needs of the person who created them. His works thus unfold a narrative of uses and their possible displacements, pointing to the systems of valorization that diverge according to cultures and communities, and which Elolo Bosoka likes to literally weave together.