Inês Brites

Born in 1992, lives and works in Lisbon, Portugal.

Inês Brites is developing a practice that involves recuperation and reproduction. Drawing on a range of objects that refer to the banal everyday, to what our eyes have ceased to analyse, the artist presents us with versions that are close to fictional, that seem to deceive our perception. Using moulds to replicate bottles, cans, keyboards, hangers, watering cans and radiators, Inês Brites seems to want to archive the familiar, like a transcription of a contemporary - and intimate ? - relationship to domestic objects and their life cycles.
This sculptural field is sometimes associated with found objects, including organic ones, with which Inês Brites proposes a network that leads us to rethink the provenance of these elements, in the sense of their reason for being in the world. This constellation of ordinary presences, sometimes tinged with humour and sometimes more disturbing, becomes the materialisation of a collective memory in the making.


02.05.24 – 16.06.24

Intramural residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand

open studio

13.06.24, 18:30

Intramural residency,
in Clermont-Ferrand

du toc, des tics et des trucs °

Final event, Thursday 13 June, 18h30
at la Diode, 190 bd Gustave Flaubert, Clermont-Ferrand

Inês Brites is developing a practice that involves recuperation and reproduction. Drawing on a range of objects that refer to the banal everyday, to what our eyes have ceased to analyse, the artist presents us with versions that are close to fictional, that seem to deceive our perception. Using moulds to replicate bottles, cans, keyboards, hangers, watering cans and radiators, Inês Brites seems to want to archive the familiar, like a transcription of a contemporary - and intimate ? - relationship to domestic objects and their life cycles.
This sculptural field is sometimes associated with found objects, including organic ones, with which Inês Brites proposes a network that leads us to rethink the provenance of these elements, in the sense of their reason for being in the world. This constellation of ordinary presences, sometimes tinged with humour and sometimes more disturbing, becomes the materialisation of a collective memory in the making.

To mark the end of her residency, Inês Brites will be proposing interactive pieces : sculptures whose common, recognizable forms, produced with edible materials, to invite spectators to experiment and transform these figures by digging and eating. In this way, the artist wishes to question relationship to the ephemeral and the enigmatic, coupled with teamwork, through the desire to consume. The spoons themselves will be produced by the artist, also looking for the perfect material for the occasion.

° from Le Mont Analogue, René Daumal